Hemp Oil Floral Moisturizing Serum
USD31.00 15mL
A non-greasy oil gives smoothing and moisturizing skin, helps on healing dry, sensitive, wrinkle and eczema skin, as well as improving cell renew.
Directions: Apply two times a day after cleansing. Shake well before using.
Ingredients: Hye Sun's Homemade Base Oil, Organic Hemp Oil, Organic Lavender Oil, Organic Palmarosa Oil, Organic Calendula Extract.
Hemp Oil Floral Moisturizing Serum
Please tested on skin or consult your doctor before using. Stop using it when skin irritation occurred.
Color vibrations may occur due to handmade product. Keep refrigerated. Packaging may be change without notice. Keep out of the reach of children.
Ingredients from United Kingdom
Handmade by Order